Monday, July 27, 2009

You helped me find Bleecker While it Poured - w4m - 26 (Deli by #1 station)

We were both taking cover in the rain at a deli/bodega. You had a bag from Bed Bath and Beyond I beleive. You get confused with streets above 23rd and I get confused below 14th. I thought you were super sweet, cute, and nice. Care to show me around your hood and I could show you around mine?

annie woke up on saturday before her roommates did. she loves when this accidentally happens, it means a quiet living room, fresh shower and some piece of mind before all the activity of a saturday. before getting ready she went for a quick run around the neighborhood (upper west side) then stopped at starbucks to get an iced latte. all set for the day, she could hear her roommates shuffling around inside their rooms. she got a distinct feeling that jeff, carrie's boyfriend had spent the night. although she likes him, she'd rather not deal with his antics today. hastily fastening her sandals, annie escaped the trivial interactions with her roommates still one foot in hand as the door closed.

although she loves her friends, annie enjoys that saturday morning solitude that so many of us long for. she grabs another drink at starbucks to sip as she heads down to the west village. there were a few clouds in the sky but nothing to worry about. her ipod on shuffle she smiled as beyonce's single ladies came on, a guilty pleasure for our decidedly indie annie. as she taps her foot to the beat she thinks about where she'll head once she gets off the train. her mind jumps from marc by marc to rag and bone and always ends up at magnolia. if you ask her, she'll deny loving those cupcakes, but, come on, she loves red velvet. plotting her journey, she quickly realizes that as a resident of the upper west side, she is largely unfamiliar with the winding streets of the west village. no matter, she is happy to wander aimlessly in search of retail triump. arcade fire is now on her ipod, thank god, she's cool again. her stop is up and she exits the scarcely populated train into a peculiarly crowded station.

annie realizes it's raining and most MTA patrons are choosing to wait out the downpour underground. it's hot and sticky so she decides to make a break for the nearest above ground shelter. sprinting up the stairs, she wanders into the street in a somewhat dramatic fashion (she's channeling some scarlett o'hara right about now). umbrella-less, she ducks underneath the awning of a deli/bodega. leaning against the window, she is quickly joined by brendan. annie can't really make his face out in the rain, but decides he's probably very handsome. he's cool too because he lives in the west village (who else would be there this early, other than her?). the rain starts to let up and annie remembers that she is essentially lost. just before brendan heads back to the street she pipes up,

"excuse me, do you know which way bleecker street is? i'm a mess below 14th st."
"ha, yah just keep walking that way" he says while gesturing down christopher st.

annie quickly develops one of those instantaneous infatuations with brendan, he's friendly, attractive and based on his outfit, not a d-bag. smiling at him she replies,

"thanks, do you live around here?"
"yah, all my life. it's funny though, i still get confused too...except above 23rd st."

not knowing what to say after this...annie simply retorts with, "well thanks again, see ya round." the two part ways and annie thinks she should've pursued him further. she knows there are no guys like that on the upper west side, only guys like her roommates boyfriend, jeff. jeff the accountant. gross.

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