Monday, July 13, 2009

think coffee - m4w - 23 (Greenwich Village)

you told your friend you thought I was cute as you walked out of think coffee, and my friend didn't tell me this until you were already gone, or i would have talked to you..i'm sure this is a lost cause, i had long hair, stubble of a homeless man and goatee...i thought you were cute too

marcus doesn't live in manhattan anymore. he used to when he went to nyu, which is the same time he became familiar with think coffee. he likes to avoid starbucks because it's always too crowded and in the end he doesn't think it tastes that good. he graduated in 2007 and moved to brooklyn with two of his roommates from school. he and his roommate, jake, left the house in a hurry today--on their way to union square to meet up with some friends. marcus grabbed his keys from a bowl by the door that has some old business cards in it, one from an old barber and the other from a restaurant.

jake and marcus rode the train into the city and discussed hook up possibilities while making the journey. jake is considering getting back together with a girl he used to have casual sex with in college but marcus advises against this, he's been down that road before. jake is clearly annoyed with marcus and they change the subject to something less sensitive. the l train deposits them in union square a few minutes early so they head down to think coffee to grab a quick, well, coffee. there is a good crowd there today, bohemians to pseudo bohemians and they're all thinking while drinking their drinks. amy and sarah are sitting at a table together laughing about a text that amy just got. marcus and jake look them over quickly but avert their eyes before being noticed. beverages in hand the boys sit down and jake brings up his old flame again. entranced by amy across the room, marcus shrugs it off, furthering angering jake. the girls get up to leave and amy looks at marcus as he glances somewhere else and whispers to her friend how she thinks he's cute and laughs as she exits. jake picks up on this and instead of telling his friend, he spites him for his disapproval of hooking up with his ex. to add insult to injury, jake waits like a praying mantis to tell marcus of this development until after the girls are out of sight.

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