Wednesday, July 15, 2009

blonde hair black dress sunac - m4w - 23 (williamsburg)

i walked out of sunac you looked right in my eyes i looked into yours and then i skated away while you waited outside of sunac

what the fuck was i thinking?

lou is a hipster by any definition. he doesn't have a full grown beard yet, but has enough stubble to maintain his "i'm choosing to be poor but have my parent's emergency american express card just in case" look. lou has a two bedroom railroad apt. in williamsburg, the second bedroom is vacant at the moment but there is an ad on craigslist. in any event, he isn't a vegan but prefers natural food because it leaves one feeling healthy, refreshed and energized. he awoke hungry that morning, but raided his pantry last night after getting home from some show at prospect park.

he dresses (sans shower) in jeans, a plaid shirt and a pair of converse, the traditional hipster uniform. making his way to sunac he realizes, as all other williamsburg residents do, that he looks exactly the same as his neighbors. no matter, he doesn't have to wear a suit today and that's all he cares about. dipping into his local coffee joint, he orders an iced coffee and makes small talk with the guy working the counter. everything is always sunnier in williamsburg for lou and he loves that he isn't at a starbucks in rock center.

moseying through sunac he grabs his usual natural food snacks, nothing out of the ordinary for this one. he approaches the checkout counter and is presented with that age old choice, mastercard (his own) or amex (his mothers). he weighs his options and decides to go with the amex today to punish his mother for arguing with him yesterday. she won't notice anyway, she only gets mad if he spends over $600 a month on it. a nice exchange with the cashier and he's out the door. then it happens, that childhood giddiness only achieved when you see your ideal counterpart. she had long blonde hair and a braided gold headband with aviator sunglasses. her locks were kind of a mess, but lou hadn't showered so he couldn't judge. he's feeling especially skinny today and notices her eyes are transfixed on his own. her black dress draped dramatically as they walked by and lou was so dumbfounded with luck, he couldn't say anything. as they passed she looked down and headed in to sunac to buy her groceries.

a hipster romance we'll never know. fear not, the same hipster dramatic moment occurred simultaneously in five natural food stores across the borough.

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